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Palerm House


Casa Palerm is as an extension of a rural hotel in the countryside of Lloret de Vistalegre, in the centre of Mallorca. It is a new independent building, close to the original farmhouse, which functions as a small holiday home. The project follows a discreet architecture, being integrated within its surrounding environment and performing efficiently, both economically and energetically.

Casa Palerm 是位於馬略卡島中心 Lloret de Vistalegre 鄉村的鄉村酒店的延伸。 它是一棟新的獨立建築,靠近原農舍,用作小型度假屋。 該專案遵循謹慎的架構,與周圍環境融為一體,並在經濟和活力方面高效執行。

The program is resolved in one level with a compact and elongated volume with pitched roof. The width is kept to six meters in order to use low-cost beams and structure with no columns.

該方案在一個層次上解決,具有緊湊和細長的體積和傾斜的屋頂。 寬度保持在六米,以便使用低成本的樑和無柱結構。

The layout, parallel to the slope of the terrain, allows all the rooms to enjoy views of the countryside and the Tramontana mountains towards the north and take advantage of the south sun. This arrangement also favours crossed ventilations, natural lighting and the thermoregulation of the house.

佈局與地形的坡度平行,使所有房間都可以欣賞到鄉村和特拉蒙塔納山脈向北的景色,並利用南方的陽光。 這種佈置也有利於交叉通風、自然採光和房屋的溫度調節。

Transversely, the volume is perforated by an imaginary box creating a central hole, the living-dining room. On the floor, a concrete tongue creates terraces on each side of the living space, both enlarging and connecting it to the landscape. On the ceiling, a wattle (cañizo) pergola crosses the hollow space and expands on both sides. In this way, the terraces are protected from the summer sun, and the wattle filters the light - creating a Mediterranean play of lights and shadows.

橫向上,材積被想像成的盒子打了個孔,形成一個位於中央的洞,即客廳。 在地板上,混凝土銜鐵在生活空間的每一側創造了露台,既擴大了它,又將它與景觀聯繫起來。 在天花板上,一個籬笆(cañizo)涼棚穿過中空空間並在兩側擴展。 這樣,露台就可以免受夏日陽光的照射,而荊條則可以過濾光線——營造出地中海式的光影效果。

The windows of this space can be completely hidden in the walls of the façade, so that the living-dining room becomes an external porch and invades the north and south terraces depending on season.


On the south terrace, the concrete tongue ends with a wide bench made of local stone marés, from where one can view the framed landscape through the big opening of the house that intentionally has a panoramic format with a cinematographic proportion (2.66:1). This ratio of the old Cinemascope evokes the personal imagery that bring us back to old movie theatres. Thus, from the south terrace we can watch the living room as the stage of everyday life - with both the fields and the Tramontana mountains panoramically cropped as a backdrop.

在南面的露台上,混凝土銜鐵的盡頭是一張由當地石馬製成的寬長凳,從那里人們可以通過房子的大開口觀看框架景觀,該開口有意採用電影比例 (2.66:1) 的全景格式。 舊電影布幕的這種比例喚起了將我們帶回舊電影院的個人形象。 因此,從南面的露台上,我們可以看到客廳作為日常生活的舞台——田野和特拉蒙塔納山脈都被全景裁剪為背景。


Project Information

Project Name: Palerm House


Architect Office: OHLAB

Lead Architect:Paloma Hernaiz, Jaime Oliver

Completion Year: 2019


Photographer:José Hevia

Multidisciplinary team based in Palma de Mallorca. Studio founded by Paloma Hernaiz and Jaime Olive, was originally established in Shanghai in 2005 and is currently based in Madrid.

[TEAM20 Life 現長期徵稿]

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