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Re-Gen House


The land is located on the corner of a road, and next to the house of client’s parents where he grew up. With an area of 640 square-meter, the architect embrace the concept of traditional Thai architecture to the planning to maximize this limited area. By creating L-shape building and lifting all residential spaces to the upper floors; leaving ground floor free for storage and parking area of ten cars. The wall between the parents’ house and the new one is eliminated and filled with a big new garden along the existing garden of parents’ house to create consistency of space.

這塊土地位於馬路的拐角處,就在他長大的客戶父母的房子旁邊。 佔地640平方米,建築師將泰國傳統建築的概念融入到規劃中,以最大限度利用這一有限區域。 通過創建L形建築並將所有住宅空間提升到較高樓層; 將底層自由運用在十輛汽車的存放和停車區。 父母房子和新房子之間的牆被取消了,沿著父母房子的現有花園填滿了一個新的大花園,以創造空間的一致性。

Regarding client’s wish, the architects divide the floor planning of four-storey house. The second floor is meant for the client’s family, while the third floor is for his daughter’s future family. Hence, in order to gather everyone in the family (and his daughter’s future family) together, the first floor is a focal point.

根據客戶的意願,建築師劃分了四層住宅的平面圖。 二樓是給客戶的家庭,三樓是給他女兒未來的家庭。 因此,為了將家裡的每一個人(以及他女兒未來的家庭)聚集在一起,一樓是一個聚焦處。

On this floor, there are an entertainment room and a grand patio which become the common area for the client’s family (and also the future family). Furthermore, this floor is inspired from a traditional ground level in which natural elements are closely surrounded. Ranging from the swimming pool on the same floor which reflects a riverside sensation to the elevated yard across the swimming pool. The gap between the swimming pool and the elevated yard allows a tree from the ground floor to grow through.

在這一層,有一個娛樂室和一個大露台,成為客戶家庭(以及未來家庭)的公共區域。 此外,這層樓的靈感來自於自然元素被緊密包圍的傳統地面層。 從同一樓層的游泳池,到游泳池對面的高架院子,反映了河畔的感覺。 游泳池和高架院子之間的間隙允許一棵樹從底層生長。

Also, allowing sunlight to stream in a glass pavilion (gardening pavilion) underneath. On the grand patio, users’ eyesight will be led to the swimming pool, the elevated yard, the top of the tree (grew on the ground floor), the existing garden of parents’ house, and to the parents’ house, respectively. The intention is to make our client feel close to their parents. As well as to lay down watching Meena running around on this grand patio, like on a real ground.

此外,讓陽光在下面的玻璃涼亭(園藝涼亭)中流淌。 在大露台上,用戶的視線將分別被引導到游泳池、高架院子、樹頂(生長在底層)、現有的父母家花園和父母家。 目的是讓我們的客戶感覺與他們的父母親近。 還可以躺下來看著女兒米娜在這個大露台上跑來跑去,就像在真實的地面上一樣。

East side of the land is opposite the eight-storey economic apartment. Therefore, the architects conceal the house on this side, in order to block unpleasant view as well as to protect the residents from prying eyes, by providing windows or voids at the minimum number. Back to the ground floor, there is a main entrance on the east side which is made of solid wood.

地塊東側對面是八層樓的平價公寓。 因此,透過提供最少數量的窗戶或空隙,建築師將房子隱藏在這一側,以阻擋不愉快的視線並保護居民免受窺探。 回到底層,東側有一個由實木製成的主入口。

While on the first floor, on the same side, there are floor-to-ceiling wooden-grill window pivots which can be opened to allows ventilation, and can be closed when privacy is in need. In terms of material selection, each floor of the ReGEN House features different materials, such as wood, stone-texture coated wall and stone-like tiles. This material combination creates a uniqueness to the facade which still fits into the surrounding context.

在一樓的同一側,有從地板到天花板的木格柵窗樞軸,可以打開通風,在需要隱私時可以關閉。 在材料選擇上,ReGEN House的每一層都採用了不同的材料,如木材、石紋塗層牆和仿石瓷磚。 這種材料組合為立面創造了一種獨特性,並仍然適合周圍的環境。


Project Information

Project Name: Re-Gen House 

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Architect Office: EKAR

Lead Architect:Ekaphap Duangkaew

Completion Year: 2017


Photographer:Chalermwat Wongchompoo

EKAR believes that the architecture is originated from a perfect mixture of beautiful aesthetic senses and functional usability through thinking process, analysis and connections based on different conditions and contexts surrounded by every dimension of each specific location. Nature, society, culture, behavior, taste and time are reflected in a unique architectural work. Every EKAR’s creation can be described as a research with a combination of science and art bringing out together with proper design efficiency to create a sense of place that leads to positive changes to the whole society.

Ekaphap Duangkaew found NOTDS which is an architectural and interior design firm based in Chiang Mai and Bangkok, and had run the company during 2009-2014. In 2014, he was officially a founder of EKAR Architects (EKAR), the firm that has been allowing him to explore and work in architectural and interior design fields with a mindset based from Chiang Mai-Bangkok living exposed EKAR’s perspective at international level.

EKAR has been a breakthrough architectural firm from Thailand since the last years, mentioned as one of the only four architects in “40 under 40 awards” (Asia) honors arranged byPerspective Limited, Hong Kong. EKAR’s recent works covering projects such as renovation, mixed-use, commercial projects as well as private residences, focusing on user experiences and their requirements, especially simple lifestyle, clean form and space design. The firm has recently won many of awards around the world, especially “Multi-Place” Project, which gained a numbers of world recognition such as Finalist of The 2017 WAF awards held in Berlin, Germany and The 2017 WAN awards, recently held in London in February 2018. Or  “VOA Space” for winner in Architizer 2018. Ekaphap of EKAR is currently also a Special Instructor at Faculty of Architecture 2018-2019 , Chiang Mai University. And regular lecturer in Southeast Asia countries such as Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.

Previous awards include The Finalist of 2014 WAN awards (UK) for T-House(a House of T-Shirt manufacturer in Nontaburee, Thailand), The last two finalist of 2015 Architizer Awards (Factory and Cantilever categories) for The Power house of SCG (the mechanical building in Bangkok, Thailand),

[TEAM20 Life 現長期徵稿]

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