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Luciano Kruk

The house was constituted as a compact block. The ground floor houses the kitchen, the dining room and the living room, all in an integrated space from which the staircase emerges towards the first floor. Given the house’s scale, the use of crossed views and vanishing points aimed at unifying and fluidifying the space in the room. Instead of confining the house’s different uses into separated rooms, they have been connected with each other, aiming at producing the general feeling of spatial expansion. As requested on the brief, the bedrooms and the bathroom were located upstairs, but the main bedroom’s outdoor semi-covered space was designed to be shared with the secondary bedroom. Additionally, it would partially work as the roof for the downstairs deck.

這所房子是一個緊湊的區塊。 一樓設有廚房、餐廳和起居室,所有這些都在一個集中的空間中,樓梯從這裏通向一樓。 考慮到房子的規模,交叉視圖和消失點的使用,用意在統一和流動房間內的空間。 不是將房屋的不同用途限制在單獨的房間內,而是相互連接,而產生空間擴展的一種感覺。根據提案的要求,臥室和浴室位於樓上,但主臥室的室外半覆蓋空間設計為與次臥室共享。 此外,它將部分用作樓下陽台的屋頂。

As the corridor and the serving facilities were set to the side next to the neighboring lot, the main windows were set on the house’s more private rear, allowing the dwelling to open towards the outside deck and calling for the conservation of the original trees.


On account of the abundant shadows provided by the profusion of the woods, there was no need to reach for architectonic devices to reduce the sun’s incidence inside. As a matter of fact, apart from connecting the house interior and gaining visuals, the windows of the house also absorb the light that dribbles through the dense canopy of the trees.

由於茂密的樹林提供了豐富的樹蔭,因此無需使用建築設備來減少室內的太陽入射。 事實上,除了連接房屋內部並獲得視覺效果外,房屋的窗戶還吸收了穿過茂密樹冠的光線。

While the sidewalls are mainly blind, the front upstairs show the blind volume housing the bathroom and the high windows of the main bedroom, under which a storeroom lies inside. On the rear, floor-to-ceiling windows connect both windows with the outdoor deck they share.


Unlike what happens upstairs, floor-to-ceiling windows open the ground floor from its entrance towards the opposite side. When we designed this floor plan, we aimed at making it feel both like an indoor space, sheltered by the roof and the windows, but at the same time, somewhere in between in a continuum with the outside.

與樓上的情況不同,落地窗從入口向對面一樓開啟。 當我們設計這個平面圖時,我們的目標是讓它感覺既像是一個室內空間,被屋頂和窗戶所遮蔽,但同時又介於兩者之間,與室外相接。

In this way, the layout of the house is the result of an architectural synthesis of the sisters’ intentions and desires. In its minimum scale, the house rises by its own will, but also integrates itself respectfully with its surroundings, both natural and human-built.

這樣,房子的佈局是屋主姐妹們的意圖和期待的建築綜合結果。 在最小的尺度上,這座房子按照屋主自己的意願被建造,但也尊重地與周圍的自然和人工建造的環境融為一體。


Project Information

Project Name: H3 HOUSE 

Location: Mar Azul, Argentina

Architect Office: Luciano Kruk

Lead Architect:Luciano Kruk

Completion Year: 2015


Photographer:Daniela Mac Adden

Luciano Kruk was born on July 20, 1974, in Buenos Aires. He studied at the University of Buenos Aires where he earned his architecture degree in the year 2000. Between the years 2000 and 2012, Luciano was a partner at BAKarquitectos architecture office (Besonías-Almeida-Kruk), where his work gained much recognition: among other awards, he received First Prize for Individual Housing Project at the 2007 and 2009 Biennials held by CAPBA; the Special Prize Eduardo Sacrite presented by CAPBA in 2005; First Prize from Alucobond for Young Architecture in 2005; and the Great Prize at the CPAU/SCA Biennial in 2006. In 2012 he founded Luciano Kruk arquitectos architectural office, where he has been carrying out numerous individual and collective housing projects.

Luciano taught Architectural Project at the University of Buenos Aires until 2009. Nowadays, he continues to develop his academic activity as Visiting Professor in various universities in in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, Italy and United States.  As such, he has been invited by the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM-UPM); Iuav University of Venice; UNIVALI of Santa Catarina, in Brazil; USJT of São Paulo, in Brazil; University of Veritas in Costa Rica; University of Nevada Las Vegas, in United States and the Argentinian universities of San Martín (USAM), University of Torcuato Di Tella (UTDT), University of Palermo (UP) and University of Buenos Aires (FADU-UBA) among others.

His works obtained a fair number of prizes and awards to its work on favor of design such as SCA-CPAU Prize for L4 House within the framework of the XVI Buenos Aires Architectural Biennial (2016). He has participated in international events and expositions. In 2015, Luciano was chosen as a representative for Argentina in the 9th International Festival of Architecture and Urbanism “Architecture Week Prague 2015”, which took place in Prague, Check Republic and in the XXI Panamerican Architectural biennial in Quito (2018).

His works have been published in magazines such as Summa+, Detail, IW Magazine, Architektur+Technik, and in architectural books such as Phaidon, Taschen and in numerous specialized media such both in Argentina and abroad, in different countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia.

[TEAM20 Life 現長期徵稿]

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