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Window House


The concept of The Window House starts with two fundamental questions.

This project led by architect Cherng Yih Lee of FORMZERO is sited right on the edge of a reserved tropical forest. The first immediate responses by the architect was to develop a seamless relationship between the house and the nature. “What if, on the contrary, the house owner has expressed no interest in the outdoor space or the nature but rather maximising the interior volume as part of the main design brief?" FORMZERO decided to transform this paradoxical situation into an inspirational thought.

The Window House 的概念始於兩個基本問題。

該專案由 FORMZERO 的建築師 Cherng Yih Lee 主導,位於保留的熱帶森林邊緣。 建築師的第一個直接反應是在房子和自然之間建立一種無縫的關係。 “相反,如果房主對室外空間或自然不感興趣,而是將室內空間最大化作為主要設計概要的一部分,該怎麼辦?" FORMZERO 決定將這種自相矛盾的情況轉化為一種鼓舞人心的思想。

Window is probably the most direct element that defines our relationship with the outdoor space. When a house is surrounded by other houses, such relationship is immediately disjoined by just dropping down a curtain. “How can we restore such relationship with the outdoor space without compromising our privacy?” Cherng Yih adds.

窗戶可能是定義我們與室外空間關係的最直接元素。 當一所房子被其他房子包圍時,只要放下窗簾,這種關係就會立即脫節。 “我們怎樣才能在不損害我們隱私的情況下恢復與戶外空間的這種關係?” 程毅補充道。

To answer these questions, the design concept of The Window House departed with three tectonic approaches through the manipulation of the form and function of window. By doing so, the ultimate aim of this project is to strengthen the house owner’s bonding with the existing context without diluting the design brief.

為了回答這些問題,窗屋的設計理念通過對窗戶的形式和功能的操縱,以三種構造方法出發。 通過這樣做,該專案的最終目的是加強業主與現有環境的聯繫,而不稀釋設計概要。


From east to west, this house is wrapped in an additional layer of perforated concrete wall which appears like a shell. Apart from acting as a thermal protection with cross ventilation, the shell is the first layer to control the privacy. Between the house and the concrete shell, multi-level of landscape is inserted in order to create an ambiguous condition which makes the landscape to appear more like an indoor space.


從東到西,這座房子被一層額外的穿孔混凝土牆包裹著,看起來像一個貝殼。 除了作為交叉通風的熱保護外,外殼是控制隱私的第一層。 在房屋和混凝土外殼之間,插入了多層次的景觀,以創造一種模糊的條件,使景觀看起來更像是一個室內空間。


The concrete shell is shaped in a telescopic form. It is tapered at the front, widened towards the forest in both plan and section, like creating a giant window frame to look out to the forest. At the same time the tapered front facade is projected to the street that creates a more human scale house.


混凝土外殼呈伸縮形式。 它在前面逐漸變細,在平面和剖面上都向森林加寬,就像創造了一個巨大的窗框來眺望森林。 同時,錐形正面立面被投射到街道上,創造了一個更人性化的房子。


Rooms with different functions deserve different windows. To create specific viewing experience for each room, the proportion and the position of each window on the north and south facade are derived out of the function of each room. Instead of imposing an arbitrary aesthetic, the facade therefore becomes a collective expression of each room. In addition to enhancing the quality of framing view, the windows are outlined with deepened eaves, every scenery is captured in a picture frame.


不同功能的房間應該有不同的窗戶。 為了給每個房間創造特定的觀景體驗,南北立面每個窗戶的比例和位置都是從每個房間的功能中衍生出來的。 因此,立面不是強加任意美學,而是成為每個房間的集體表達。 除了提高取景質量外,窗外還勾勒出加深的簷口,每一處風景都被捕捉在一個畫框裡。


Project Information

Project Name: Window House

Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Architect Office: FORMZERO

Lead Architect: Cherng Yih Lee

Completion Year: 2017

Area: 813 m²

Photographer: Ronson Lee from Twins

Lee Cherng Yih (Kuala Lumpur, b.1978) received his architecture degree from RMIT University, Melbourne in 2002. After spending a decade working in Shanghai, London and Kuala Lumpur, Cherng Yih founded Formzero in 2012, an architectural research studio injected with the ideology of reengaging the architecture with tropical landscape in the urban context. His design approach often focuses on challenging the conventional architectural typologies and the boundaries of urban realm. formzero is also served as a think tank that runs within MOA Architects in Kuala Lumpur.

2002 graduated from RMIT University, Australia
2011 2nd prize winner of Academy Science Malaysia competition
2012 founded Formzero
2014 teach at Taylor’s University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2016 joined MOA Architects as think tank unit
2017 Networked Garden joint winner of Master Builders Association Malaysia competition
2018 Window House awarded Commendation by PAM Award (Malaysia Architect Association)
2019 Planter Box House winner of FuturArc Green Leadership 2019 award
2019 Planter Box House longlisted for Dezeen Awards 2019
2020 Planter Box House awarded Honorable Mention by Inde Awards for Best of The Decade Living Space
2021 Planter Box House awarded PAM Gold Award for Single Residential
2021 Planter Box House awarded PAM Building of the Year

Public lecture / talk:
2018 Speaker at PAM Design Lecturer Series in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2018 Speaker at Construe and Construct 9 at National University of Singapore
2018 Speaker at Future Thinker at Taylor’s University, Malaysia
2019 Speaker at DOMA Breakfast Club, Kuala Lumpur
2019 Speaker at PAMSC Design Lecturer Series in Kuching, Malaysia
2019 Panel Discussion  at Lunch Meet by Grohe + Doma Initiatives
2019 Speaker at AA Asia Book Launch, Singapore
2019 Discourse Panelist at REKA conference, Kuala Lumpur

[TEAM20 Life 現長期徵稿]

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