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The House that Habitate

Natura Futura Arquitectura

This project treats architecture as a diversifier of urban centres (Productive Urban Housing + Education Space). In Latin America, the growing urbanization process of recent years has produced innumerable changes, the loss of vitality of the traditional central areas being the most damaging.Babahoyo, Los Rios, in the coastal zone of Ecuador, with 150,000 inhabitants, has been developing commercially detached from the residential area. Its alienated character is enhanced with the well-known "Real Estate Boom", which has caused several people to look for a place to live in the peripheries, ignoring the effects of displacement and abandonment. This desperate search for a new place to live leads us to reflect on new ways to diversify the city.

該專案將建築視為城市中心的多樣化(生產性城市住房+教育空間)。 在拉丁美洲,近幾年不斷加快的城市化進程產生了無數變化,其中傳統中心區活力的喪失最為嚴重。位於厄瓜多爾沿海地區、擁有15萬居民的洛斯里奧斯巴巴奧約,一直在進行商業開發脫離住宅區。 眾所周知的“房地產繁榮”加劇了它的異化特徵,這導致許多人在周邊地區尋找住所,而忽略了流離失所和遺棄的影響。 這種對新居住地的絕望尋找使我們反思使城市多樣化的新方法。

The House that Habitate seeks, in the first instance, to motivate the conservation of the original meeting space, exchange and social encounter, which is vital for any city. Albita and Juan, a young couple, needed a new place to live. The possibility of using a lot within the urban area was suggested as an answer, establishing the objective of generating economic income within the lot as well as the possibility of hosting an academic support school. In this way, a program was created that allows dialogue between living, educating and producing.

居住的房子首先尋求促進對原始會議空間、交流和社交接觸的保護,這對任何城市都是至關重要的。 阿爾比塔和胡安是一對年輕夫婦,他們需要一個新的住所。 建議在市區內使用地塊的可能性作為答案,確定在地塊內產生經濟收入的目標以及舉辦學術支持學校的可能性。 通過這種方式,創建了一個允許生活、教育和生產之間進行對話的程序。

The project is set up within a 12m x 30m lot, where usually a house attached to another would be built, due to a lack of public construction policies in urban centres. This practice is rethought, containing the blocks of housing and educational activities between side terraces, thus achieving adequate lighting and natural ventilation in each space. Such a strategy is supported by internal walls made of wood, cement and zinc. The walls are lower than the ceiling height, ending with a central skylight.

該專案建立在一個 12 米 x 30 米的地塊內,由於城市中心缺乏公共建設政策,通常會建造一座附屬的房子。 這種做法被重新考慮,在側面露台之間包含住房和教育活動的街區,從而在每個空間實現充足的照明和自然通風。 這種策略透過由木材、水泥和鋅製成的內牆的實現。 牆壁低於天花板高度,以中央天窗結束。

The project departs from a basic and abstract idea of what we understand as a house with sloping roofs, which in addition to its thermal insulation qualities takes advantage of rainwater, and also allows us to organize the space in a more efficient way due to its configuration. The front opens and connects to the city in two ways. In the front facade through traditional folding windows of wooden lattices, and in the lateral facade through openings towards the sidewalk, generating a link with the pedestrian path.

該專案偏離了我們所理解的傾斜屋頂房屋的基本和抽象概念,除了其隔熱性能外,還利用了雨水,並且由於其配置,還使我們能夠以更有效的方式組織空間 . 前面打開並以兩種方式連接到城市。 在正面通過傳統的木格折疊窗,在側面通過通向人行道的開口,與人行道建立聯繫。

The commercial businesses are established on the ground floor, for a more direct and prolonged relationship with urban activities, while the upper floor, although divided by a central axis, is committed to housing and educational spaces. Regarding materiality, brick, wood and ceramics have traditionally been interpreted as a resource for low-income buildings. However, the project revalues these local elements using them in 95% of the construction.

商業業務建立在底層,以便與城市活動建立更直接和持久的關係,而上層雖然被中軸線分開,但致力於住房和教育空間。 關於物質化,磚、木頭和陶瓷在傳統上被解釋為低收入建築的資源。 然而,該專案在 95% 的建築中使用它們來重新評估這些當地元素。

The House That Habitate is a manifesto that rethinks the way in which urban centres are habited and densified in a more sustainable way, a vision of merging activities that help us diversify them, recovering the locality and its traditions as a starting point for new generations.

The House That Habitate 是一份宣言,它重新思考城市中心以更可持續的方式居住和密集化的方式,融合有助於我們使活動多樣化的活動的願景,恢復當地及其傳統作為新一代的起點。


Project Information

Project Name: The House that Habitate

Location: Los Rios, Ecuador

Architect Office: Natura Futura Arquitectura

Lead Architects: N/A

Completion Year: 2020

Area: 650 m²

Photographer: Natura Futura

We are more interested in the future of architecture as the architecture of the future, to rediscover the discover, understand and adapt to the processes that generated these everyday actions: common and alternative materials [local matter] turning them into generators and transformers active environments, taking basis, a rereading of our reality, much more local and contextualized, linking the traditional with the contemporary, the natural and the artificial, being with nature..

[TEAM20 Life 現長期徵稿]

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