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Naidi Community Hall


在斐濟瓦努阿島上的奈迪村中,因為以前的社區中心年久失修,被認為使用上不安全,所以七年來都沒有社區中心。有鑑於此,當地的一家非政府組織納卡加慈善基金會(Naqaqa Giving Foundation)與 CAUKIN Studio 聯繫後才讓這個計畫得以實現。該社區中心為 400 個村莊和 75 戶家庭服務,其主要功能是為社區提供一個聚會,慶祝活動,喪禮和婚禮的場所。在斐濟文化中,社區中心是村莊的文化和運作的核心。

Naidi village, located on Vanua Levu in Fiji, had been without a community hall for 7 years, when their previous community hall fell into disrepair and was deemed unsafe for use. In the wake of this, the project came to fruition when a local NGO, the Naqaqa Giving Foundation approached CAUKIN Studio. Serving a village of 400 people and 75 households, the hall’s main function was to provide a space for the community to come together for meetings, celebrations, funerals and weddings. In Fijian culture, the community hall is the cultural and operational heart of a village.

在社區的眾人的影響下,居民很快明瞭這座建築必須提供民眾一個唱歌、創作當地手工工藝品以及表演著名的「 米克Meke」(一種傳統的斐濟舞)的空間。 CAUKIN Studio 認為,擁有一個安全,實用且美觀的空間來創造性地表達自己,對於個人和社區的成長至關重要。


With the collaborative influence of the community, it quickly became clear that the building must provide a space to sing, create local handmade crafts and perform their famous ‘Meke’ - a traditional Fijian dance. CAUKIN Studio believes that having a safe, functioning and beautiful space to express oneself creatively is vital to personal and community growth.

建築設計採用劇院舞台的形式,在其正面朝村莊的中心逐漸加深。三扇帶有配重的大型吊頂門打開,為「 Meke」村的演出創造了舞台。通過延長天花板的高度,整個建築物中的對流更能加強,並通過屋簷下的不規則木材釋放氣流,如此一來,可以在最熱的日子裡保持涼爽的空間。開啟的百葉窗,百葉窗葉片和大塊玻璃在內部營造出自然採光的空間,從而增強了內部的機能和活動性,該結構展示了創新的設計和抗氣旋性,同時仍僅使用當地採購的材料,因此這個計畫可被斐濟的當地簡單地複製這個工法。該建築物的結構設計由在過去 4 年中一直與 CAUKIN 合作的 Centrespace Design 負責。

The design takes its form from theatre staging, crescendoing at its front facade, facing towards the centre of the village green. Three large counter-weighted, top hung doors, open to create a stage playing host to performances of the village ‘Meke’. Through the extended ceiling height, a natural flow of air throughout the building is increased, being released through hit-and-miss timber cladding under the roof eaves. This results in a space that can remain cool on the hottest days. The opening shutters, louvre blades and large panes of glass create a naturally lit space internally, enhancing performances and events taking place within. The structure demonstrates innovative design and cyclone resistance whilst still using only locally sourced materials, thus allowing the project to be replicable by local communities in Fiji. The building’s structural design was carried out by Centrespace Design, who have supported CAUKIN’s work for the past 4 years.

該項目的建設歷時 8 週,由來自建築學校和事務所的 20 名國際參與者組成的團隊與 30 多名當地工人一起工作。該設計是在項目開始日期前六個月開始協作的成果,在設計開發的每個階段也都採納了來自社區居民的意見,詳細細節研究與施工同時進行,所有參與者都與奈迪村的家庭生活在一起,透過生活在當地文化中,獲得了經驗和知識。

project construction took place over the course of 8 weeks, with a team of 20 international participants from architecture schools and practices, working alongside over 30 local workers. The design was the result of a collaborative process that began 6 months prior to the project start date, and included input from the community at every stage of the design development. Much of the detailing and ongoing research happened concurrently with the project construction, with all participants living with the families of Naidi Village and gaining experience and knowledge through cultural immersion. 

CAUKIN Studio 與 Naqaqa Giving Foundation 的慈善機構 The Jazmin Fund​ 合作完成了這個項目。由 Jazmin Grace Grimaldi 營運的的賈茲敏基金會(The Jazmin Fund​)鼓勵社區中心以表演藝術為主題來設計,主要是要建立一個空間,使 Naidi 社區能夠富有創意地表達自己,同時提供足夠堅固的結構當作庇護所以因應未來的自然災害。

CAUKIN Studio worked in partnership with The Jazmin Fund, a charitable arm of the Naqaqa Giving Foundation to realise the project. The Jazmin Fund, run by Jazmin Grace Grimaldi, helped encourage a performing arts theme to the hall and its design. The brief was to create a space which enabled the Naidi Community to express themselves creatively whilst providing a structure strong enough to take shelter in - in the event of any future natural disasters.

自建成以來,社區中心在每個星期三都會舉辦音樂會,手工藝講習班,每天晚上也有兒童的說故事時間,也是婚喪禮的場所。新的社區中心也替販賣手工藝品的商家吸引了更多的顧客,因此銷售也有所增長。在最近幾個月中,社區中心也已成為註冊幼稚園,每天有 17 名兒童上學。

Since completion, the hall has hosted a local concerts, arts and crafts workshops every Wednesday, a reading hour every evening for the children as well as weddings and funerals. The handicraft salesmen and women have also recorded greater sales of their handmade souvenirs due to the new hall attracting more customers. In recent months the hall has become a registered kindergarten with 17 children in attendance everyday.


Project Information

Project Name: Naidi Community Hal

Location: Naidi Village, Vanua Levu, Fiji

Architect Office: CAUKIN Studio

Lead Architects: Harrison Marshall, Joshua Peasley, Alden Ching, Andrzej Bak

Completion Year: 2018 年

Area: 130 m²

Photographer: Katie Edwards

CAUKIN Studio is a collective of young architectural designers working on a variety of design and construction projects worldwide. The team began working together in 2015 when the very first project, Playscape, was completed in Cambodia. CAUKIN’s working practice seeks to tackle social, environmental and economical problems through beautiful, well-crafted design. By seeking collaboration and the active involvement of local communities we hope to make an impact on everyday lives and the architectural community as a whole.

The name is derived from the origins of our founding members, in Canada, the UK and Indonesia.

[TEAM20 Life 現長期徵稿]

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