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移動式緊急部署檢疫醫院原型 QurE | Quarantine unit for recovery Emergency, and Ecology

Bio-architecture Formosana × NCKU


In response to the Covid-19 pandemic situation, BaF has worked together with a group of experts to develop a prototype for a negative pressure isolation ward and examination station for the emergency quarantine. This proposal aims to address the lack of ward in the hospital for treatment.

此次疫情台灣因提前部署,降低了許多確診病例,同時有能力幫助全世界(Taiwan is helping !)。故九典建築設計團隊覺得我們亦可貢獻專業力量來幫助世界發生的重大事件,故邀請成大的專家,尤其醫療、空調、結構方面,一起共創此緊急醫院之原型,并希望以open source的方式給全世界就其各地方可及的建築技術與材料,選擇可替換材料的方式,在模矩化,快速,輕架構,易興建的基礎下快速的構築以救助急難。

此醫院原型屋QurE 於4/28成大未來館前廣場于5天内完成1:1實體屋,展示醫療與工法。此行動展現在未來再一次遇到緊急疫情時興建臨時醫院或救護所的能力,而所有的研究成果,也將提供到開放資源平臺,供大衆下載使用。[QurE 開源平台免費下載]

In the past two weeks, QurE-team was formed to develop this design. On 28th of April, we have announced the design with a press event at Taiwan National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) K-hall with the presentation of a real-size mock-up at the plaza. On the same day, a website which contains the downloadable design manual of the prototyping was made public. This design will be an open source to share with the global community. [QurE Free Download]


The mobile emergency quarantine hospital proposes a few key considerations which include lightweight, fast, modular, flexible for expansion and reduction, affordable, weatherproof, mobile, safe and secure. The material for this shall be readily available and standardize enough for quick fabrication. The idea considers pre-fabrication and on-site assembly while minimizing in-situ construction. These units can be quickly constructed to respond to various terrains and conditions with minimal changes.


The mobile emergency quarantine hospital proposes a few key considerations which include lightweight, fast, modular, flexible for expansion and reduction, affordable, weatherproof, mobile, safe and secure. The material for this shall be readily available and standardize enough for quick fabrication. The idea considers pre-fabrication and on-site assembly while minimizing in-situ construction. These units can be quickly constructed to respond to various terrains and conditions with minimal changes.


Weather consideration and energy saving is also one of the main design issues of QurE. In the hot and humid climate of Taiwan, pitched roofs and raised floors provide passive insulation and prevent from flooding in the event of typhoon. The ceiling spaces and raised floors accommodate the mechanical, plumbing and medical equipment required for the quarantine unit.


The temporary quarantine hospital shall be easily transported and efficiently stored. We consider the post pandemic situation where all this should be circular. Thus, the system proposed is using a mature building construction technique that can be assemble and disassemble in a short period of time. This will be more sustainable and reduce any waste from the emergency.
QurE could be easily modified and be ready for any emergency, including natural catastrophe, in the future.


Project Information

Project Name: 移動式緊急部署檢疫醫院原型 QurE ( Quarantine for recovery Emergency and Ecology )

Location: National Cheng Kung University

Architect Office: Bio-Architecture Formosana

Design Team: NCKU / Bio-architecture Formosana / NCKU Hospital / YSDesign / TYarchitects

Project Proposal: 2020 年 4 月

Floor Area: 72.9 m²

More info: 欣傳媒 XinMedia成大官網 NCKU News / 中央通訊社 CNA自由時報 Liberty Times Net / 經濟日報 / 臺南市政府 Tainan gov. news

郭英釗 × 張清華


Bio-architecture Formosana

成立於 1999 年,匯集國內外優秀的建築師、室內設計師、創意設計菁英及相關工程專家共同合作,以永續創新的品牌精神驅動從接受委託任務至專業演出 ,以整合式的設計實驗提出解決需求的方法,以低碳美學作為創作的實踐。

[TEAM20 Life 現長期徵稿]

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