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MaJiaLong village activity building

Mix Architecture

自然村,即南方所稱的"屋場",它可大可小,是農民日常生活和交往的最基本單位。 而在中國的社會管理體系中,村落認知的主體則是行政村,它是由一個或多個大小不一的自然村所組合而成。 在現今的鄉建熱潮中,完整的行政村或是行政村中規模較大的主體村落往往是鄉村實踐的關注焦點。

The settlement, also known as “house place” in the south part of China, has different sizes, which is the basic unit of living and social farm life. In the Chinese social management system, the “village” this concept is always recognized as an administrative village, which includes one or a few settlements. In nowadays countryside building and development fever, a whole administrative village or the large rural area in the administrative village is the main issue which public are interested in.

南京高淳的蔣山漁村就是一個包含了七個自然村的美麗村落。 米思建築蔣山實踐的首期專案就是在蔣山村的主體村落中完成的。 專案落成的兩年間,村委和村民切實的感受到了這種針灸式微更新的方式對生活提升、社區活力所帶來的改變。 而在蔣山實踐的第二階段,我們決定把視線轉移到村落邊緣的小型自然村中,希望能在這些離主村落略有距離的小"聚落"中植入些什麼,以此慢慢影響整個蔣山漁村。

Jiangshan fishing village, where locate in Gaochun, Nanjing, is a beautiful administrative village with seven settlements. Mix architecture studio’s projects are located in one of the main settlements, Jiangshan fishing village. During the first two years building period, the local village government and villagers, they have felt the improvement of their life and community quality by the acupuncture renewal process. Therefore, in the second building stage, we decide to focus on the different site, where is the remote rural area on the edge of the administrative village. We hope to add something, step by step, to affect the whole Jiangshan fishing village.

馬家壟就是第二階段實踐的起點。 設計的物件選定為村西口一棟普通卻又有些特別的房子。 普通是因為它就是江浙地區近現代鄉村最基本常見的單元建築類型,而特別則是因為它處於小聚落的"村口",它區分了村落和田野的邊界,並從場所特性上應具備作為"村口"空間所獨有的指示性和公共性。 應村委的要求,我們決定把這個基本淪為倉庫的小房子改成可多功能使用的活動室。

In the second stage, MaJiaLong village is the second period start point. The design project is a normal but interesting old house on the west of the village entrance area. It is just a normal and common contemporary settlement building type that you see it anywhere in Jiangsu and Zhejiang province countryside. However, the interesting point is about the site location, entrance area. The entrance area of a village defines the boundary of settlement and field. It both has publicity and landmark as its unique place situation. For answering the requirement from the client, we decide to transfer this poor and little store building to a multifunctional activity building.

設計開始於對類型的思考,我們希望藉此探索在保持原生鄉村肌理的情況下對基本類型不一樣的詮釋。 屋頂成了調節建築比例並影響空間的一種重要語言和手法,飛揚的延伸和傾斜的切角最終構建出了一個連接建築和廣場的灰空間,它延展了內外的空間,讓建築變得開放,併為村民廣場的活動提供了另一個層面上的使用可能。

The design starts with the thinking of typology. We try to explore the possibility of using different basic types to answer the aboriginal village context. The roof becomes an important architectural language and method. Overhanging eaves and irregular roof composition has finally achieved a void space for connecting site and building interior. It shows the continuity of the building and creates a free and open space. This also provides a potential functional space for villagers’ activities.


The openings on the rooftop improve the natural illumination in the building. The interior light, passing though roof opening, also becomes a pharos which guides people back to their sweet home.

設計的最後我們在低矮的屋簷之中嵌入一棵櫸樹,我們希望通過這樣一個小小的動作,以此呼應人們心中"村口大樹"的意向(這棵樹是村子的標誌物),讓整個場景得到一種情境上的提升。 它點亮並啟動了檐下空間、廣場乃至整個村落。 使這個建築最終成為一個村民往來交流的場所,一個激發鄰里活力的空間,一個小村落發展更迭的標誌。

In the end, we grow an old zelkova schneideriana tree embed into our building. We want to use this scene to touch people to remember their own memory of the old tree in the village (the old tree usually represent the centre and landmark of village), so the whole scene will rise to a new level on the spiritual aspect. This tree will activate all areas, from overhanging eaves to the whole site, and even the whole village. Therefore, this building will become a place where people communicating with each other. A place where is full of energy and dynamic. People will remember this as a symbol which represents the change of the village.


Project Information

Project Name: 馬家壟村民活動室 MaJiaLong village activity building

Location: Jiangshan Village, Gaochun Zone, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Provience

Architect Office: 米思建築 Mix Architecture

Completion Year: 2019.11

Area: 102 m²

Photographer: Bowen Hou

米思建築設計事務所(MIX ARCHITECTURE)2016年成立於南京,是一家立足於長三角的多元化、研究型建築設計事務所,針對快速變化發展的社會現實,提供具有國際視野的建築、規劃、室內、景觀等綜合的設計服務。項目多次發表於國內外建築學術刊物及建築設計專業網站,併入圍歐洲傑出建築師論壇獎(LEAF Award),獲得美國The Architecture MasterPrize(AMP Award)2018年度獎、2018年意大利A'design白金獎,2018DFA亞洲最具影響力設計獎優秀獎等多項獎項。


[TEAM20 Life 現長期徵稿]

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