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House 3000


Herdade da Considerada is a tract of arid land with 500 hectares, about seven kilometres from Alcácer do Sal, dotted with cork oaks and umbrella pines.

赫爾達德·達·馬卡達達(Herdade da Thoughtada)是一塊佔地500公頃的干旱土地,距Alcácerdo Sal約7公里,上面佈滿了軟木橡樹和雨傘松樹。

The resulting landscape is uniform in every direction and, as the architect Luís Rebelo de Andrade found on a preliminary visit, it is easier to lose your car at Herdade da Considerada than in a supermarket carpark.

由此產生的景觀在各個方向都是統一的,正如建築師LuísRebelo de Andrade在初步訪問中發現的那樣,在Herdade da Thoughtada丟失車要比在超級市場停車位容易。

This experience led to a key idea that informed the entire project: in the absence of geodesic markers – which nature did not offer Herdade da Considerada – it is architecture that takes the place of the reference points that from time immemorial has guided man, complementing the landscape with a building that is overwhelmingly visible. The house itself and the farm building were designed to minimise building times and costs and to privilege energy sustainability.


The solar panels and thermal collectors produce more energy than the house consumes, for this house is averse to energy wastage.


With its gable roof, doors and windows, the exterior design of the house seems as childlike as the drawings children produce even before primary school. This apparent simplicity is actually based on the collective and romantic  imagery we all share: the house on the prairie, the life of the pioneers and settlers of the American Far West, so often depicted in westerns and which live on in our constitutive memory, in spite of the time and of the intentional awareness we might have about them.



Project Information

Project Name: House 3000

Location: PORTUGAL

Architect Office:  REBELO DE ANDRADE

Area: 400m²

Completion Year:2018

Photographer: João Guimarães - JG Photography, Carlos Cezanne, Tiago Rebelo de Andrade

Rebelo de Andrade Studio, is an award winning design practice with its main office in Lisbon, Portugal.

The practice works internationally on cultural, commercial, hotels and residential projects providing

master planning, architecture, interior design and product design services

[TEAM20 Life 現長期徵稿]

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