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The site of Beitou Library is on the western end of Beitou hot spring valley with Beitou creek running through the north of the site, the water of the creek is rich in sulfur, which can cause serious erosion to steel, that's why timber seems to be an obvious choice.The Beitou Park is rich in nature and history, mainly due to its renowned Hot Springs phenomenon. Hence Beitou Public Library's design approach respects the importance of the site by achieving harmony with nature and consideration of the local ecological environment.


The strategy is to make the least impact to the natural environment of the park and to adapt an eco-friendly design approach. The form of the design is the result of the natural forces and is strategically positioned on a north-south axis. The lowest and leastl facade surface is turned to the West where it houses the equipment space to avoid heat exposure.


The facade on the east bears the most openings and utilize the surrounding trees for shading. The north-side façade connects to the nature by opening itself to the park.


Throughout the building is the balcony which windows can be opened freely to allow natural ventilation and shading in order to reduce solar heat radiation.


The selection of timber as the building structure not only efficiently withstands the sulfur water from the creek that crosses the whole linear park but also helps create a warm and welcoming atmosphere into the inside reading space.


The green roof also does a great job at blending the entire building with the surrounding nature. Last but not least, the materials used for the outdoor pavement were carefully selected in order to allow permeability.



Project Information

Project Name: Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch

Location: Taipei, Taiwan

Architect Office: Bio architecture Formosana

Lead Architect:Ching Hwa Chang & Ying Chao Kuo

Completion Year: 2003 

Area:34797.94 m²

Photographer:Courtesy of Bio-architecture Formosana

九典聯合建築師事務所及室內設計公司於1999年成立,結合數位國內外學有專長的建築師、室內設計師、創意設計菁英及相關工程專家共同合作,以永續創新的品牌精神驅動從接受委託任務至專業演出 ,以整合式的設計實驗提出解決需求的方法,以低碳美學作為創作的實踐。在從事建築與環境的規劃設計專業服務中以永續經營的設計理念貫徹執行由規劃設計乃至使用監測的所有過程。希望透過敬業而慎密的規劃設計,使人與環境是可以相容相生,秉持對自然、健康及休閒的生活理念,期望創造一個天人合一的美麗鄉土。


[TEAM20 Life 現長期徵稿]

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