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Vijay Café

Shanmugam Associates

Vijay Dairy sits on the state highway 62 that connects Trichy, a tier-II city to northern parts of Tamil Nadu, India. The client initially suggested designing a marketing hoarding to give visibility for the existing factory that processes 125,000 LPD of milk. Another business proposition, that was ideated over a casual conversation with the architect, was to have a drive-in café at the factory entry using existing labor & dairy products. This was because the capital costs worked out nearly the same for both the cafe and hoarding. Further, it made more sense to taste and know about Vijay’s multiple food products, than have a huge hoarding speak about what they do.

Vijay 乳品公司位於連接蒂魯吉拉帕利的 62 號國道上,蒂魯吉拉帕利是印度泰米爾納德邦北部的二級城市。客戶最初建議設計一個行銷看板,以作為現有生產125,000低蛋白飲食工廠提供可見度。另一個商業概念,是與建築師的隨性談話時提出,使用現有的人力和產品,打造一個可以從工廠入口開車進入的咖啡館。這是因為咖啡館和廣告看板的成本幾乎相同。此外,藉由品嘗和體驗Vijay的多種產品比大量看板介紹它們所做的事更有意義。

The two huge tamarind trees (Tamarindus indica) located abutting the highway were the key elements to start with the design exercise. The form of the café derives from the proximity to both these trees to ensure that there is sufficient shade as well as lush landscaping that a weary traveller sipping either hot filter kapi or chilled buttermilk can capitalize on.


Vijay café’s visibility needed to be a key factor to draw customers driving by to stop for a break. In order to achieve this, material and color were to be planned succinctly to draw attention on the building sitting on the highway. The curved profile with a glazed cut out on the entry wall was designed such that the customer could visually see and buy products on the go. Taking to the earthy context that the site is located on and drawing attention to the cafe, exposed brick work and cuddapah louvers were used on the external wall fascia.

Vijay 咖啡館的能見度需要成為吸引顧客開車經過休息的關鍵因素。為了實現這一目標,應簡明扼要地規劃材料和顏色,以引起人們對公路建築的注意。入口牆上有釉面切口的彎曲輪廓設計,客戶可以在視覺上被吸引並且購買產品。考慮到商店所在的樸實環境,並提醒人們注意咖啡館,外牆上使用了裸露的磚砌工法和喀德帕式百葉窗。

The space has been planned in such a way the customer can either drive in, shop or dine. The three programs of the building - counter, restaurant and kitchen, are distinctly split using different materials and color. The 25-seats capacity restaurant is placed in the centre with vegetation on either side, the kitchen forms the rear end and the counter/ billing covers the front end.

空間被規劃是客戶可以開車進入、購物或用餐。建築的三個重點 - 櫃檯,餐廳和廚房,使用不同的材料和顏色將它們明顯區隔。可容納25個座位的餐廳位於中心,兩側有植被,廚房在後方,櫃檯/結帳處則是在前方。

Further adding to the design elements, is the contemporary sloped roof and modern grey colour terracotta tile. Taking consideration of the tropical heat, a reusable sloped roof with huge overhangs was designed to contain all the programs within and dissipate heat. Apart from the existing 16-seater outdoor dining area, there is adequate spill over space on either side of the restaurant that could extend to be a garden type seating in the future with natural canopy.


The project culminated as a marketing exercise to propagate the plethora of F&B products that Vijay as a brand specializes in. The key characteristics of this cafe are the use of earthy building material, sufficient car parking, drive-in facilities, clean restrooms and fresh produce from the factory. Vijay café presently serves as a 24- hr regular pitstop for anyone driving down this state highway, a hang out space to the students from nearby colleges and a factory outlet that caters to the local community.

該專案最終作為行銷活動,以宣傳Vijay作為一個品牌專門從事的大量餐飲產品。這家咖啡館的主要特點是使用泥土建築材料、足夠的停車位、流暢的車道、乾淨的洗手間和來自工廠的新鮮農產品。 Vijay 咖啡館目前是只要沿著這條州際道路行駛,任何人 24 小時都可得到服務的常態商店,為附近大學的學生提供閒逛空間,以及供應當地社區的工廠批發店。


Project Information

Project Name: Vijay Café

Location: Peramangalam, Trichy, Tamil Nadu

Architect Office: Shanmugam Associates

Lead Architect:Shanmugam A, Raja Krishnan D, Santhosh Shanmugam

Completion Year: 2018 

Area:123.56 m²

Photographer:LINK Studio, Bangalore

Shanmugam Associates (SA) is a professionally managed architecture and design firm having its offices in Trichy and Chennai. The firm had its inception in 1982 under Ar. A. Shanmugam, who was the pioneer in creating awareness of architecture as a profession in Trichy, India. With a huge clientele, rich experience in the field and exploration into various typologies, SA has its growth laid on strong foundation.

The architecture at Shanmugam Associates is simple, rational, powerful, experimental and pragmatic. The essence is to deliver minimal and timeless solutions taking into consideration nature’s sensitivity, economic barriers and client’s requirement. Immense focus has always given to sustainability and sensitivity to nature in SA even before the emergence of green buildings concepts. The intent is to create landmark buildings in response to the surrounding conditions and climate, providing in parallel immense satisfaction to the end user. With in house LEED certified professionals, SA is able to offer sustainable solutions and intelligent built space thereby creating a healthy and livable environment.

The firm is further strengthened with the collaboration of Rajakrishnan, Santhosh Shanmugam & Ramya Sankara Raman. All were part of School of Architecture & Planning, Chennai.

[TEAM20 Life 現長期徵稿]

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