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混境演化 – 磁器口大街雜院微改造


The urban condition of Ciqikou street west area, the site of this project, is semi-chaotic or could be described as a slum, which is a typical urban form in Hutong areas today in Beijing city. The local people have coined the term “messy yard”.

The spatial condition of the “messy yard” is completely different from its original form as a Siheyuan Yard. The way in which people have inhabited it has changed to a large degree over time. The urban reality may not change easily. The above description is the background of this project. The strategy is to maintain the original structure on its original boundaries, in order to keep the relationship between house and environment. Both windows and the door are modified in position and scale. A continuous canopy was installed.


Work within the boundary is about rearranging the spatial resources, in order to  relink the prison like space back to the city and nature.For the multiple aims, the strategy is about two "boxes", "installations" or "chambers" in the original room. They are “room for table” and “room for privacy”. We call them RT and RP

改造在既定邊界內,重新整理功能,載體的相互關係,固著已經失穩的結構, 同時打破牢獄一般的空間僵局,讓場所重新連接到自然和城市中。28平方米的面積要容納:臥室,會客,工作間,廚房,廁所,儲藏室和展示空間。方案製造兩個載具,就像建築內的小建築,屋中的小屋。一個載具關於隱私,臥室,閨房,廁所。另一個載具關於檯面上的生活,廚房,工作間。以下我們簡單把兩個載具稱為寢屋與案屋。

Outside the volume, for recreating of part of the roof, there are new possibilities for windows, 3 meters high, which one can open for sunlight; but without the need to sacrifice privacy.The new structure is a construct inside the original wall, which has been strengthened. In addition, the reinforced concrete roof is stable enough for people’s weight. Open views and plenty of sun light come together to create a pleasant space.


The window below the roof and above table also functioned as an access to the roof.The other side of the house is the "RP", which is constructed by a light steel structure and plywood. This "chamber" is more like a Chinese traditional "Babu bed" which is both a bed as well as a bedroom. There are spaces for a bathroom, wardrobe, dressing room, etc. There is also a "roof space" on the top of the "bedroom" which provides a personal space for the homeowner, who can have a rest, read or meditate there.


According to the plan, functions within the house have been compressed into two defined spaces, leaving the centre completely free from the chaos which defined the the house completely prior to the plan being enacted. This has thus provided a sense of dignity for those using the space, as well as a sense of comfort. The space can thus also been seen as a sequence, the home being subdivided into both spaces made up entirely of functional aspects as well as spaces defined by clarity. In addition, a small section near the entrance was repaved, creating a bridge between the home itself and its outer environment, as well as extending this sequence outward.


The strategy is experimental, the installation of two "boxes" cooperate with the original building, and at the same time keeping the relationship with its neighbors. It is my hope that this plan may be a way to stimulate further changes in the environment and urban fabric.



Project Information

Project Name: 混境演化 – 磁器口大街雜院微改造

Location: Beijing, China

Architect Office: Chaoffice

Lead Architect:Cheng,Zhi

Completion Year: 2017


Photographer:Zhi Cheng, Wen Hou


2000-2005年, 北京建築大學建築學本科

2006-2007年, 愛丁堡大學高階建築設計碩士研究生

2008-2014年, 都市實踐(北京)建築設計諮詢有限公司專案建築師

2014-2016年, 基本聯合工作室聯合創始人,建築師

2016-今, 察社辦公室創始人,建築師




[TEAM20 Life 現長期徵稿]

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