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Ferragud House

Carles Faus Arquitectura

The house is located in the heart of the city of Algemesí (Valencia), an environment that houses architecture from the 30s of the last century with more recent constructions, an amalgam that usually reproduces in many of our cities. The plot where the house is located is just over 5 meters wide and around 28 meters long, in addition to being located in front of a relatively narrow road, milestones that have undoubtedly been at the beginning of the project.

這所房子位於阿爾赫梅西市(瓦倫西亞)的中心地帶,這裡有上世紀 30 年代的建築和新式的建築,這種混合物通常在我們的許多城市中重現。房子所在的土地寬僅5米多,長約28米,除了位於相對狹窄的道路前,這無疑是這專案啟動的里程碑。

The design that we have projected from our studio seeks the immediacy of light. The dimensions of the plot, its location and orientation, create difficulties for architecture and light to join forces for an immediate formal configuration.


For this reason, we decided to empty the central core of the house so that sunlight could cast its full potential inside. This nucleus becomes the articulation mechanism of the house, it contains two large skylights at the top that serve as an entrance for the overhead light.


This nucleus will be communicated from the top floor to the ground floor, which will allow, thanks to the backyard located in the latter, to generate a natural air current that will favour continuous and natural ventilation of the entire space, due to the motorized control of the skylights.


The house is therefore build-up of three floors, the day area on the ground floor and the most private areas on the first and second floors. The main facade is formed by a small tear on the first floor, to provide more privacy to the main bedroom due to the proximity of the public road. Furthermore, we generate a large opening on the second floor where a multifunctional room will be located. The interior façade, the most private, is designed through a large opening on the ground floor, to maximize the relationship between interior and exterior, gaining both light and ventilation. The upper floors, which contains two more bedrooms, are arranged identically in each of them.


This project is always seeking the prominence of the natural and the essence of the Mediterranean tonality. We achieve this goal using the combination of materials and textures and playing with the sandy and white colour schemes, the natural oak wood without staining and the beige marble obtained from local quarries.



Project Information

Project Name: Ferragud House

Location: Valencia,Spain

Architect Office: Carles Faus Arquitectura

Lead Architect:Carles Faus Borràs

Completion Year: 2019


Photographer:Adrián Mora Morató

Carles Faus Arquitectura, was founded in 2015 by the architect Carles Faus.

The studio, established in Algemesi and made up of a multidisciplinary team, carries out both new construction and renovation projects, as well as urbanization projects. The list of projects carried out at the moment includes single-family houses or between party walls, residential buildings, commerce, contract and restaurants.

It seeks a minimalist and functional architecture but also restless and daring, always in continuous learning and search of new solutions and techniques that respond to the evolution of both industry and society, but above all, an architecture always tailored to the client, to meet their needs.

Carles Faus' attention to detail is transmitted to his team in such a way that every detail is thought out and taken care of to obtain the best result. An exhaustive follow-up from the beginning of the meetings with the clients until they are finished, makes houses like Carmen House to be published in paper magazines like Casa Viva and online magazines like Plataforma Arquitectura, Metalocus, Leibal and Interiores Minimalistas.

[TEAM20 Life 現長期徵稿]

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